Sunday, 22 November 2015

Global massacre and its root cause

Global massacre and its root cause
Shamim Masih

ISLAMABAD: After the recent Paris, attack, I had a chance to speak on TV live show on Roze TV, “Debate with Nasir”. I was among the three panelists, one political analyst Jan Achakzi and another was a journalist. Unfortunately instead of criticizing those attacks in Paris and this type of terror activities in the world, those two were arguing in the favor of terrorist and giving reasons.

Since I am writing, my struggle is against this mind set, it is not a matter or fight against Islam or its terrorist organization like Al-Qaida, Taliban, ISIS, Laskher-e-Tiybba, Jeshe-e-Mohammad, etc etc. we are fighting against the mind set and its proclamation. Though it is said that every Muslim is not terrorist and not directly involves in these organizations but most of them are having the same mind set. We are witness to many incident/persecution against minorities in the country. In Pakistan the discriminatory activities against the marginalized portion of the society clearly shows the mindset of the Islamic proclamation.  
Since 9/11 attacks in USA there is series of attacks in different areas and subsequently attacks on the bases of those organizations in the world. Many of the people give baseless excuses but forget that in every act tool is from the Muslim faith. I want to ask them why Muslims are involve in these type of activities around the world, in Philistine, Kashmir, some African countries, Middle East and other parts of the world. (Genesis 16:11-12) European and American have to think before doing any humanitarian activity for Muslims like taking in these Syrian and Egyptian refugees. Muslims are enjoying every single right in the name of humanity but not ready to give liberty to other religion in their countries. They (Muslims) go and preach Islam in other country but don’t allow to read Bible in Saudi Arabia.  
courtesy Front Line

We have seen this practice and one Muslim religious scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamidi endorsed and given the solid root cause of these terrorist activities. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi said that the root cause of terrorism that is being committed by some Muslims today is the religious thought which is being preached in the Muslim medressahs and being propagated through their political movements. Almost every single medressah and religious scholar is teaching the four main doctrines of their religious thought. They may not be doing it publicly, but they are doing it nevertheless – they surely are!

First: polytheism, kufar, or apostasy (someone abandons Islam) committed anywhere in the world, they are all punishable by death and we have the right to implement this punishment.

Secondly: they preach is that non-Muslims were born to be subjugated. None other than Muslims have the right to govern. And if there is someone ruling, every non-Muslim government is illegitimate. We shall overthrow any such government whenever we have the capacity.

The third teaching is that all the Muslims of the world should be under the rule of a single Islamic government that is called The Caliphate. Their independent, states have no legitimacy.

The fourth doctrine is that the modern nation state is the form of kufer and there is no room in Islam for it.

These are the four basic tenets of current religious thought. Pakistani government and its citizens should confront the current religious thought, this religious narrative.
It is to appreciate that the education system of the religious seminaries (medressahs) violates humans’ rights.  Any specialized education in any discipline cannot be forced onto a child. It is the right, very basic right, of every child to have twelve years of broad based education. Thereafter, he may choose to become a scholar or a scientist. Every Muslim religious seminaries work on the principle of transforming a 5-7 years old child into a religious scholar. No one has the right to do this; or to force them to become a doctor or an engineer.

After a broad based education of 12 years, they many choose to become whatever they may wish to. This practice must be abandoned. For this to take effect the civil society must prepare itself and people must educate themselves.

The Muslims government must be pressurized not to allow any institution to take students for specialization before twelve years of broad based education. Or we need to draw a line before any humanitarian activities.  

1 comment:

  1. All these elements have been created by the west.
    Putin rightly said and nobody refuted his claim that 40 rouge countries headed by US are supporting the rouge Muslim mercenaries, who are fighting proxy wars for the west and Saudia.
